As of version 12.52, the Black Ice Imaging Tools requires a secure Internet connection (HTTPS) on port 443 to register with the Black Ice Software License Server.
In a secured environment where servers and computers do not have an active Internet connection or Port 443 is being blocked by a firewall, or in virtual machines where the network card is disabled, the following error message is displayed during the registration:
Contact the Network Administrator to enable the port 443 and press Retry to reattempt to register the product.
In a secured environment where the port 443 cannot be enabled, the product can be registered manually or through proxy server by clicking on the Proxy Settingsā¦ button.
Manual Registration
To register the product as Demo manually, select the Demo radio button, click on the Manual Registration Page on the center of the window and follow the instructions on the website.
Proxy Settings
When Automatic Proxy Detection is selected, the product uses the proxy IP address and port number configured in the Control Panel > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings > Proxy Server area or in the Internet Explorer > Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings > Proxy Server area.
Select HTTP proxy or SOCKS proxy from the dropdown list to configure the Proxy IP address and port number manually.
Check Enable Proxy authentication checkbox if the configured proxy requires user name and password authentication.
When the proxy settings are configured press Retry to try the registration again.
Older versions of Imaging Tools
Black Ice Imaging Tool older versions (version 12.51 or lower) are tries to register through the port 80. If port 80 is blocked or not available, one can register using the alternate ports of 3500 or 15000.